Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Where Did All the Chocoholics Go?

Where Did All the Chocoholics Go?

Where Did All The Chocoholics GoI’ve worked with a lot of self identified Chocoholics over the years. I’m not surprised when people tell me about their problems with chocolate, it’s a feel good food. I love helping people with their chocolate cravings, as I think everyone deserves to enjoy or avoid chocolate in peace and by choice. It’s a wonderful food, and unless you have an allergy, you should have the freedom to indulge a little or not as you choose, right?


I was just thinking the other day that it’s been many many months since someone came to me complaining of their ‘chocolate addiction.’


Maybe you’re not finding me, but I also thought that maybe it’s something altogether different. Perhaps it’s due to all the media attention that chocolate has gotten regarding the health benefits? Unless you’ve been ‘off the grid’, you’ve been exposed to this, you’ve heard about the antioxidant and mood boosting effects of chocolate. And, might I add that I’m so glad that this information has become commonplace.

This is different, as five years ago, I was giving a presentation and I gave out organic dark chocolate at the end as a prize. Much to my surprise, I overheard someone say:


‘I can’t believe she’s giving away chocolate and she’s a Nutritionist!


Oh, how it’s changed since then, hooray!


This is my theory, but I’d like to know from you. Has all the media messages about chocolate helped you feel less guilty about enjoying it? Do you not crave it the way you used to because it’s not a forbidden food? This is a natural phenomenon if you allow yourself to enjoy food.


I would love to hear from your opinion:


  • What is your relationship to chocolate now?
  • Can you enjoy it without feeling guilty?
  • Can you keep it in your house without eating the whole thing?


I sure hope you’re able to do both, but let me know if you’re not, I’d like to know.


I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment below or send me an email at info (at)


If you’d like to get tips for making peace with food or your weight, sign up to the right, I’m happy to send it to your inbox, twice per month, and it’s free!


All the Best,


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