Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

“Are You Crazy?”

“Are You Crazy?”

I made some tough decisions recently. This time, around my healing horse, Wisdom.

It reminds me of when I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2001 and after the shock of the initial diagnosis, I magically found someone who helped me heal naturally. A woman literally showed up on my mother’s doorstep and gave her another woman’s card. It was that woman who helped me heal. I wrote about it in a bestselling book that’s available on Amazon. You can find it HERE.

I didn’t know it was possible to heal from my diagnosis naturally back then, but The Way was revealed to me and I followed The Path. I could have easily treated it the way my MD suggested. That would have been fine, quicker and a lot less expensive. But it wouldn’t have gotten to the root of the imbalance, it would have only removed the symptom and most often, those symptoms return and do for many women.

Most importantly, a whole new world opened up for me when I said yes to this new path!

By healing the root of the imbalance in my body naturally, I gained even more confidence in natural healing and my ability to heal. I decided to pursue a new career path that changed my life. I enrolled in Acupuncture school and I haven’t looked back. And btw, that treatment I did that everyone thought I was crazy to do, is now standard care for the diagnosis.

So, back to my tough decision….

I had my horse, Wisdom’s front shoes taken off. Some people in the horse world would think that was just about as scary for him as it was for me when I canceled my surgery appointment.

“He has ‘that’ diagnosis, you really shouldn’t do that!”

I can hear it because I’ve heard it. I’ve been laughed at.

“He needs shoes!”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

Yet both times, with my own health and my horse, there were helpers involved. Helpers who had experienced great success with healing what needed to be healed, naturally. I borrowed faith.

I trusted then, and I’m trusting now.

I feel it in my gut and in my bones that it’s the right thing to do for him, just like I did back then.

But, I’m not only trusting of the humans involved.

I’m trusting in the body’s ability to heal. Our bodies, human or horse want to heal and are designed to heal. Healing happens if we pursue it and don’t give up. Looking to nature for healing is safe with the right guidance.
Stay tuned as my horse Wisdom heals and recovers from a “disease” that’s supposed to be a dead-end diagnosis for horses. Thank you, but I’d rather listen to those who have reversed it and healed it than those who say it’s not possible. 

Plus, he’s already showing BIG signs of improvement, both with how he’s moving and his mood.

How about you?

Have you healed from something that you were told you couldn’t heal?

Have people called you crazy?

Or, are you dealing with a scary health condition and want to do what’s right for your body?

I’d love to hear from you. Hit REPLY and share your story!



ps. I haven’t posted here weekly like I promised I would. I, however, promised you that if I didn’t, I’d let you know and get back to it. This month, I commit to posting here weekly, to keep my commitment, and then will go back to twice a month…or so.

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