Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

I Know About Your Secret Eating

I Know About Your Secret Eating

I Know About Your Secret EatingThere’s not much you could say to shock me and your secret eating is no surprise to me. I’ve heard it all. The entire pizza eaten before your girlfriend comes downstairs, the trips to the drive through that turn into a second trip. The trip to the corner market where you eat a candy bar quickly before leaving the store and throw away the wrapper before it’s seen. Then there’s the hiding it from your spouse type of secret eating, where you offer to go to go to the store for something knowing it’s your chance to get a secret snack. I also know about secret eating as I’ve done it myself. Mine often involved drive throughs and read a little about that HERE.

I know why you do it, and I don’t think any differently of you. I know you’d be doing something different if you could, but you can’t, not all the time. You’re not weak, you’re not lazy, you have programming that makes it hard to stop. I know you try hard not to do it. It’s not your fault, it’s your brain and the programming that makes you human that drives you to do this. My brain was programmed for cravings too.


But there is hope, and I’ve helped a lot of people over the years put their secret eating behind them. They also leave the guilt and shame behind as they go together when you’re doing something that feels out of integrity. You can move beyond this too, and you’ll like yourself more once you have. I promise that you won’t miss the sneaking.

So, if I ever have the pleasure of working with you to help you let go of the unwanted habits you can’t stop on your own, I will not judge you. In fact, if you come to see me or talk to me over the phone, we do a session and you feel judged, I will gladly refund your money. It’s just not in my nature to judge, you see, because I understand this and your behavior and I know it’s temporary and not who you truly are as a person. You’re just temporarily stuck, with a whole lot of potential for having freedom with food and a whole lot more.


So, what do you secretly eat? Email me at kara(at) me and let me know if you don’t want to post on my blog.


If you’d like tips for ending the cycle of craving and help for making peace with food, sign up to the right and I’ll send them to you twice a month, and it’s free!


All the Best,


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