Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

I Was Never Enough!

I Was Never Enough!

How many times and how many ways have I had this conversation in my head?

Maybe not those same words, but it shows up as judgments of not measuring up.

As a kid, I wasn’t popular enough.

As a preteen, I wasn’t developed enough.

As a teenager, I wasn’t skinny enough.

In college, I could have gotten better grades and been more fit.

Then one degree wasn’t enough, two wasn’t enough, so I got a third.

All the while, that feeling of not being enough drove my decisions and behavior. It drove me to overeat!

In the earlier years, I dieted and I exercised to try to perfect my body as I didn’t look good enough. And because I was depriving myself, I then filled myself with food. I couldn’t numb that feeling of not being enough.


In the last year, I noticed this feeling came up with my horse Wisdom.

I’m not enough for him, I don’t know enough, I don’t have enough experience, I’m going to screw this up!

But, in the last month, I’ve realized this was a lie because I am ENOUGH. I’m enough for myself, I’m enough for him and the positive change in our relationship in the last month confirms that Wisdom agrees 🐴💕

This idea of not being enough is just a belief, and once we’re aware, we can change a belief…and that’s empowering, that’s nourishment for the soul 💕

Can you relate? Comment below and let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

All the best,


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