Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

I Broke My Promise

I Broke My Promise

I broke my promise. To myself and to you. Back in January, I promised to email my list and post here on my blog weekly with helpful information to support you in your healing journey with food and your body. Last week, I didn’t follow through on that promise and didn’t send out my weekly email to you.

It’s not that big of a deal. But it IS.

When we move towards a goal, it’s really easy to get excited at first.

The enthusiasm can easily continue for days, weeks or months, but at some point, our resolve to do what’s necessary to achieve the goal, will wane.

That’s when it’s time to push through and keep going.

When it’s NOT easy.

When the motivation is nowhere to be found.

I didn’t do that. It was too easy to push aside the 3 blog posts I started to write, but that just didn’t feel right.

There were all kinds of things that came up, but I could have pushed through them. I’ve persevered through 2 masters degrees, I can push through anything!

Why am I even telling you this?

It would be easy for me to do one of two things:


  1. I could have just sent out the next email and not said anything, not called myself out or admitted my break in the commitment. You probably would not have noticed.
  2. I could have said “screw it, I’m ditching the whole thing” and stopped sending weekly emails.

I didn’t do either. This is an important goal for me, to reach out to you, to share my journey with you, my experience, and my expertise. I’m here to help and this commitment is one of the ways I CAN do that.


It would be really EASY not to send out these emails. I’m an introvert after all.


I’m doing it, because it pushes me beyond my comfort zone and sometimes I need to push myself. I’m sure you can relate.

When do you let go of a goal and cave to what’s easy in the moment?

It can be with food, but it usually shows up in multiple places in our lives, until we decide to change it.

We all do this to some degree, and it’s such an important behavior to realize, so we can do something about it. It’s the hourly, daily and weekly things we do consistently, that over time make the big changes we want in our lives.

What am I doing about this break in commitment?

I’m getting back on the horse (pardon the pun!), and re-committing to you and myself to keep sharing an email weekly. I might not follow through, but if I don’t, I’ll admit it, get back on the horse and keep going until I’ve reached that 6-month mark.

I do this because this is what I expect from my coaching clients and I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t admit my own misstep. When my clients break their commitments to themselves, I expect them to get back up, brush themselves off and keep going towards their goals. And I encourage them to do so without any judgment.

We learn something from every situation, and sometimes, the bumpy ride is where we grow the most. Growth isn’t always easy, we get nicks and bruises along the way, but that’s okay. We’re not looking for perfection, we’re looking for health and happiness, right?

I’d love to hear from you. Post a comment below and let me know where you break commitments to yourself. I won’t judge, just encourage.

All the best,




ps. Speaking of getting back up on the horse, I rode my horse Wisdom for the first time since October. He’s been recovering from some lameness and is doing great! It was a moment of great joy to be on his back again <3

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