Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

How to Get What You Want

How to Get What You Want

june 17th blog post picLast week on the blog, I talked about getting clear about What you Really Want. Today, I’m going to tell you how to GET what you want.

After getting clear about what you want, you need to ask yourself this question:

How do I want to Feel?

This means, how you’re going to feel when you’ve reached that goal (and it can also be used when making a decision about what you will eat, but we’ll talk about that next time)

Why is this important?

With every goal you have, there is a feeling you’re seeking. Your nature is to expand and grow and so it’s natural and normal for you to have desires and goals and want to improve your situation.. You may think you want the end result, but what you really want is a new experience, a feeling. You may want to be free of cravings, or you may want to lose 20 pounds, but what you really want runs deeper.

Yes, it’s great to attain these goals, but what do they give you and why is it important?

Here are some ideas off the top of my head that I hear:

  • Freedom to be around baked goods and feel at peace if I eat them or not

    Why? Because I want to let go of the obsession around food and what I really want is to write a book and my obsession keeps getting in the way
  • Showing up at parties feeling confident and sexyWhy? Because I want to be my best self, feel free, enjoy my body and interact with others authentically
  • Be able to approach my closet feeling happy and excited Why? Because I deserve to look and feel good, enjoy my body, my clothes and be a good role model for my daughter

So, what does your goal get you and how do you want to feel?

When I look closer at my own goals, they almost always boil down to FREEDOM.

You can even ask why that feeling is important and keep unearthing more good insights. You’ll realize that your goals live inside of you for a reason, and there’s a whole lot within a goal. If you keep going, you may get teary like my clients sometimes do. It’s a good kind of teary, one that feels like coming home and connecting with something meaningful.

It’s really like going through the layers of an onion the deeper you go, the more you’re connected to your big intention. When you connect with this, it will align you to your goal and make it easier to achieve.

Ok, so once you are clear about how you want to feel and why, do this next step to move it forward.
Here’s an exercise, plus a secret.

Shhhh … come closer. If you can connect with the feeling that you will feel when you’ve reached your goal, and combine it with visualizing yourself having achieved it, you will get there SO much faster. I can’t tell you how much faster, but by using your visualization skills for 30 secs per day, you’re building new neural pathways, and this clears a path to your goals. Right now, you don’t have to figure out the HOW, just focus on the What and the Why, combine it with feeling it in your body and visualizing it.


Because insight is worthless without action, and I want you to get results, I challenge you to commit to doing this daily for 28 days for 30 secs. It’s better to do it longer, this is how you form new good habits, repetition over time, and it can be seen as training your brain for positive outcomes.

See what changes for you, without even taking action (other than feeling and visualizing) and whatever else feels on target for you.

I’d love to know. Sometimes the change is subtle and sometimes it’s dramatic, and it can’t be predicted as your path to healing your relationship with food is unique to you.

Hit REPLY and let me know you’re taking the challenge.



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