Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

What Do You REALLY Want?

What Do You REALLY Want?

blog post June thirdIt’s really easy to focus on what you don’t want, isn’t it? I know you don’t want to have cravings, you don’t want to pack on pounds or have a hard time fitting into your clothes, but what really lights you up?

This is scary territory, very emotional for some women. Why? Because you believe you can’t have what you want, it feels out of reach, unattainable. Whether it’s internal forces or ones that are out of your control, it can be scary to have a big dream. It hurts to want something and not get it. I get that!

But, I’m going to push you here, to dream a little–or a lot. Let yourself connect with your heart’s desire. Why? Because you’re a heck of a lot more likely to attract what you desire in your life if you’re CLEAR about what you want. Super clear.

So, I’m encouraging you to make a list of what you want with your body, your health, your relationship with food, your big dreams for your life and be specific. Be super specific. It’s okay to want, you just need to believe that you can have it–or at least cast away your doubts temporarily. You may think you don’t deserve it. Just assume you do.

And, when things come into your experience that are not to your liking, instead of getting upset, you can say, “No, thank you, I’d rather have THIS” and focus on what you DO want. Sound a little airy fairy? Try it out and see what you’re able to attract. I find that when I’m super specific about what I want, and focus on it daily, these things or experiences show up in my life. The best part is that it’s easy and fun, because I didn’t have to make it happen, I just had to be clear about what I wanted.

So start a new document on your computer–or even better–take out a piece of paper and pen or pencil and write down exactly what you want, make a list and be specific. Just to give you an idea, I did this years ago, I made a list of things I wanted in my life, and 6 months later, I had the vast majority of those things in my life. At the time, I had no means of attracting them and had no idea how I’d create them. But, low and behold, they came to me. Was it my intention? Probably.

Here are some dreams and desires I hear:

  • To feel comfortable in my own skin
  • To maintain my ideal weight with ease
  • To be able to eat treat meals and feel good
  • To be able to say no to sugar
  • To be able to eat just one and feel satisfied
  • To have one afternoon off where I just focus on me
  • To feel like I’m in charge of what I’m eating
  • To be a good role model for my kids
  • To do work that helps others in a profound and meaningful way
  • To love my body
  • To have harmony in my family
  • To be healthy for my grandkids
  • To love getting dressed in the morning
  • To create something beautiful with art
  • To wake up feeling rested and excited for my day
  • Take 3 months off to take a road trip

What I know to be true, is that if you have a true heartfelt desire for something, not an ego desire, but a heartfelt one. You can have what you want. Your desire is there for a reason, and what you want, wants you. There have been many things I’ve wanted, some came quickly, and some took decades, yes decades, but if you don’t give up on yourself, you’ll have your dream.

I’d love to know, what are your big dreams? I’d love to hear from you. Hit REPLY and tell me ONE big dream you are holding close to your heart.


Yours in Health,

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