Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

From my Heart to Yours (+free Chocolate download)

From my Heart to Yours (+free Chocolate download)


Valentine’s Day is approaching and whatever that means to you, I wish you all the love and happiness you can have in your life. I’ve included a link below to a guide for enjoying chocolate without the guilt, so read on.

One thing I’ve noticed about those who crave, is that sometimes love is hardest to give to ourselves. We’re kind and loving to others, but we’re a bit stingy with ourselves. You know what I’m taking about.  It comes in many forms, like we expect too much of ourselves, we think or speak badly about ourselves. We’d never treat our friends, family or loved one’s this way.

But these are simply habits, and habits can change.  So, my question to you as we approach St. Valentine’s Day is:

How can you be more kind and loving to yourself?

Here are a few simple ideas, please run with them if they resonate:

  • Trust your INTUITION
  • Say Yes when you mean Yes.
  • Say No when you mean No.
  • When you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself, simply say “oops, that wasn’t nice” and follow it with something nice.
  • When you’re tired,rest.
  • When you need help, ask.
  • When you make a mistake ask yourself: “what did I learn?” and then move on.

The problem is, we may not have learned how to be nice to ourselves growing up. If our parents didn’t model it for us, we can have a hard time developing that skill. The good news is, you can start now.

One of the easy ways to do this is think of yourself like a beloved pet, say a kitten or a puppy. How would you speak to a pet when she or he has done some mischief? So, when you make a mistake, think about a puppy and how you would approach that puppy. Break some habits, I dare you!

So, what are your ideas for being kind to yourself, to be more loving to yourself? Please comment below and let me know.

And who knows, when you’re sweet towards yourself, you may crave fewer sweets!

Click on the title to download my guide Enjoy Chocolate Without the Guilt.

Again, Happy Valentine’s Day from my heart to yours.

All the best,


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