Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Free Webinar – Chocolate: Indulge without the Guilt!

Free Webinar – Chocolate: Indulge without the Guilt!

valentinesday_chocolateValentine’s day is around the corner! Are you ready for the onslaught of chocolate that’s on its way?

I hope so! If not, I’m here to help.

My mission is to help you be in control around chocolate, to be totally in charge of when and how much you eat.  I want you to feel like you have a choice, and if you choose to have some or not, I want you to feel peaceful in the moments before, during and after that decision. If you indulge, I hope you to enjoy, if you don’t, I want you to walk away without a care in the world.

I got a letter from a client a few years back who came to me because she was feeling out of control with chocolate, craving it big time. She couldn’t be around it without finishing the whole box. She didn’t like feeling out of control. This is common, the people who come to me have their lives together, but when it comes to chocolate or sugar, they don’t live up to their own high standards. The feeling of being out of control is embarrassing, unbearable, it’s out of alignment.

This client wrote to me the day after her session to report that her boyfriend gave her a box of chocolates for Valentine’s day. She was delighted that instead of eating the whole box, she had two pieces and really enjoyed them. 

I love helping people heal their relationship with chocolate, and knowing that they’ll enjoy the freedom this brings for years to come. Chocolate is a wonderful thing. When people aren’t able to enjoy it because they feel out of control, eat too much, regret it and feel guilty, I want to help. 

Can you relate?

  • Do you overeat on chocolate and feel ashamed?
  • Is it hard to stop once you start?
  • Do you sneak it when nobody is looking?
  • Have you thrown out your supply of chocolate so you won’t be tempted to pig out?

I’m here to help you completely change your relationship with chocolate, no matter how big or small the block is to your full enjoyment.

Next Thursday, I’ll share a tool with you to help you let go of the guilt, regret and shame around the chocolate you love!


When you let all that go, you’ll find yourself in a whole different kind of relationship with chocolate. One of peace, freedom and enjoyment.

Think you’ll eat more? Quite the opposite, you’ll feel satisfied sooner if you do indulge.

Can you imagine being able to walk away from chocolate in peace?


Fully enjoying it?

… and either way, you feel in charge?

It’s possible, it just requires letting go of outdated mental programming. It’s really that simple. You can get to the bottom of what’s holding you back from having the mutually loving relationship with chocolate that your heart desires and you deserve.

To help you in your journey toward Fully Enjoying Chocolate, join my FREE webinar on Thursday, February 12th, 7-8:15pm PST (75 mins) just in times for Valentine’s Day. 


If you sign up, you will also be added to my list and receive future notification of free webinars as well as bimonthly tips on helping you make peace with food.

Sign up now as space is limited. If you have a friend you think would enjoy feeling this peace, you’re welcome to forward this email. This webinar is for anyone with a willingness to try something new and gain freedom around chocolate. 

Hope to see you soon!

All the best,


ps. Please note this is a 75 min webinar, but the webinar company only uses 30 min increments.


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