Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Afraid of Ending up Like Your Unhealthy Parent?

Afraid of Ending up Like Your Unhealthy Parent?

vampire2Fear is ugly, nobody likes it, we want it to go away, and go away fast. It’s uncomfortable. But, what if that fear was actually the fuel to your healing? I’m here to tell you that this is exactly what it is, energy to set you free. But you need to know how to navigate this so it doesn’t paralyze you.


What the heck am I talking about you ask? I’m talking about facing your fear, head on, so that it doesn’t run you. Here’s an example of someone, I’ll call her Sue, but this is a very common issue and I’ve helped hundreds of people just like Sue.


Sue shows up for a session and tells me about an intense fear she has of diabetes and ending up like her mother who ate and drank herself to horrible health and disability. She’s terrified, even talking about it makes her feel sick to her stomach. She tells me about her mother’s behavior and how hard it was to witness the unraveling of her health over the years.

Long ago, Sue vowed to herself that she would NEVER, ever end up like her mother. The hard part for Sue is, that she’s engaging in the same behavior that her mother did and, though she knows where it will lead her, she simply cannot stop. She’s not a weak person mind you, she’s very disciplined in all other areas of her life, but can’t get her eating under control. She’s so embarrassed, but came to me as a last ditch effort.


Sue comes to me in this state of desperation, but I’m confident I can help her with Acupressure (TAT).  I’ve done it many times before and it’s a process that can help with these family patterns of behavior that can get passed down (unconsciously) through generations.


So, Sue faces her fears, does the Acupressure session, lets go of the mental / emotional / physical programming that was causing her behavior and attracting her towards an early demise. It’s gone. Poof! She’s now in control of her eating and it feels odd that she’s not doing what she used to do, though it also feels very natural–like how things “should” be. Not only is she no longer afraid of falling in her mother’s footsteps, she’s absolutely positive that she won’t. She feels free, she feels like Sue again. The fear is gone, she’s moved through it.


Some people like Sue are brave, they face their fears, they do something about it, they get healing, and they move on to a better and happier life. Others don’t, and I can’t help them. If you’re afraid, and ready to take action, I can help you.


So, I’m asking you. Do you have an intense fear about your health and how your behavior is slowly destroying your future? If you do, please sign up for a free mini session. I would be happy to help you start the process of your healing, no strings attached.


You can sign up for a free 15 min mini session right HERE.


And please remember, any issue that causes you to act in a way that feels out of alignment with your values can be changed. It feels insurmountable, I know, but it can change. If I can do it, you can. If my clients can do it, you can too. You’re no different–you can heal. You can change this.


Thanks for reading. I wish you a long life filled with health and happiness!

All the best,



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