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To Let Go of Excess Weight and Cravings, We Must Heal

To Let Go of Excess Weight and Cravings, We Must Heal

healing journeyTo really change something with our health, we must heal. If something is off with your mental, emotional or physical state, it’s just a sign that healing is needed. If you’re carrying excess weight or have cravings, it doesn’t mean you are broken, weak, or any number of things you may be telling yourself. These are just symptoms and are simply a call for healing.


But what is healing?


According to Wikipedia:

“Healing (literally meaning to make whole [Oxford dictionary]) is the process of the restoration of health to an unbalanced, diseased or damaged organism.”


I like the Oxford definition best. To me, healing is making things whole again, returning to your natural inherent wholeness. You’re not a broken or damaged lump of flesh, you’re an amazing and incredible human being, with a body and mind that have incredible healing capacity and intent. If you approach your weight or health issues by thinking of it as healing and returning to your natural state instead of fixing something broken, it just feels better, doesn’t it?

But you may be asking, Well why is healing ourselves so hard sometimes?


The process of healing CAN be hard sometimes. If we don’t know how to return to wholeness because we haven’t ever been there or we haven’t been there for a while, it can be a confusing and frustrating process.


In my observation over the years, I’ve noticed that people who take an active role in their healing get better results, and go farther in their healing. They return to wholeness. They ask questions, they seek out answers, they trust their gut when they make decisions relative to their health.


But, when there is an ongoing situation you’re working on (maybe you can’t lose that extra 10 pounds or cravings have kicked in due to recent stress) and your progress is slow, it’s difficult to keep faith. It’s easy to doubt and wonder if you should even keep going in your healing journey. This is true with food and weight issues as well as so many other things we work towards in our lives. I know this personally, and between you and me, I still have health issues that I’m working on!


I see Three options with healing:


1- Heal the issue (Get to the root of it and keep going until you feel whole again)

2- Give up (Give up on actively attempting to heal the situation and accept it and adapt and find peace in acceptance. Sometimes in acceptance, we actually heal after all, but it’s because we really let go)

3- Give up (With fists waving)


I think there is much peace that is found in number 1 and even in 2, but not 3. One thing I know is that as human beings, we are natural born healers, we’ve just forgotten we have this innate ability. Part of this is societal, we’re not encouraged to heal ourselves, but instead to look outside ourselves for medications or even herbs for healing. There’s nothing wrong with medicine or herbs, but sometimes, putting the attention outside ourselves is not helpful. Our bodies and mind can heal if we seek ways to that end. And other times we do need outside help and we need to seek it in whatever form is comfortable for us.


To begin the healing process, here’s a list of some things we can do and they don’t require a huge effort:


  • Getting to bed at a reasonable hour so you get 7, even 8 hours of sleep
  • Improving one thing with your daily food intake, more water, less processed food, one more vegetable per day (just pick ONE to start)
  • Taking time to meditate for 5 mins in the morning, even when you think it’s time wasted
  • Getting in some movement that feels good
  • Spending 10 mins per day in nature, appreciating the beauty around you
  • Actively appreciating the parts of your health that ARE already awesome


All of these things have been proven to be healthy. You can Google them if you want the studies, but I think it’s clear that nothing above would harm you.


If you’d like help with letting go of cravings or excess weight, and you’re tired of doing it on your own, I can help. Sign up for a free consult HERE and I can offer some guidance.


Here are some questions for you to ponder:


  • What is one thing you can do today that will forward you in your healing journey?
  • Where have you persevered and had a breakthrough in your own healing?


All the best,


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