Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

4 Steps to Quell Your Negative Self Talk & Find Peace

4 Steps to Quell Your Negative Self Talk & Find Peace


This one little mind trick can change everything for you. It’s so simple, you might just pass it up, but practiced, it will start to shift things for you in powerful ways, ways we can’t even predict. Good things for sure. We use this same principle in TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) to help shift unwanted habits, and obsessions with food (and more) but you can use it any time during your waking hours. We have upwards of 70,000 thoughts per day. Crazy, right?  How many of those are positive and uplifting and how many are negative and draining? Only you know. There are…

no neutral thoughts, just in case you were wondering. These thoughts, practiced over time turn into habits of thoughts, which lead to behaviors, either wanted or unwanted. So, while I like to work on the level of changing the beliefs that generated the thoughts with coaching and TAT, you can also do this in reverse to retrain your brain and form new neural pathways. When we form new neural pathways or connections, it brings us more possibilities for what we want in life. We break patterns and can make different choices, better choices. So, what am I talking about?   I’m talking about interrupting the habituated pattern of your most negative self talk.   This also includes NOT believing your thoughts wholeheartedly like you may be doing.   I remember what a healer told me after I ranted about some health issues, “Don’t believe everything you think.” I was like, what?!?! My thoughts felt true to me, they were mine after all. It’s easy to get sucked into believing things are true, when they’re not, they’re just thoughts. I’m now suggesting the same thing in hopes that you could benefit.   You probably know what I’m talking about because you’re human, and we humans can be pretty hard on ourselves. I also know, because people just like you or you yourself have worked with me and admitted the nasty things you say to yourself. We’d never talk this way to another human being or an animal, but if left unchecked, we can dish out this negative self talk with vigor.

Here are some examples:

  • I feel like an addict, I have no self control with sugar
  • I’m a gluttonous pig
  • Nobody will love me
  • I keep eating this and I can’t stop, I’m disgusting
  • I’m weak
  • I can’t change this!

Can you relate? Ever had those kinds of thoughts yourself? Here’s a way to work with those thoughts so you can come out on top and not get carried away into a spiral of negativity and feeling bad about yourself. After all, when you’re feeling bad about yourself, are you going to eat well and otherwise take good care of yourself?

Step 1: Become Aware:

These thoughts are automatic, so becoming aware of them, is the first step in changing the pattern, it’s half the battle. Take inventory of your thoughts during a given day, heck, do it for just 5 minutes. You may be shocked at what you think. Make sure you don’t judge yourself, you can’t clean a room in the dark, you have to turn on the lights so you can see the dust and cobwebs, and this is no different. BE KIND.

Step 2: Interrupt:

Only when you’re aware of these negative thoughts can you do anything about them, so you’re already on your way. In this step, you’re going to ask yourself a question to interrupt that thought pattern:

What’s the opposite of that?


Step 3: Focus on the Opposite:

Whatever the opposite of that is for you, now ponder or contemplate that thought. It doesn’t have to be true or realistic, you don’t even have to believe it. But by pondering it, it starts to break up that habituated pattern of thinking. When we break up the pattern of thinking, we have more possibilities, we escape from the downward spiral of negativity, and it just feels better.

Step 4: Repeat:

Repeat this exercise whenever you like, and even when you don’t like, the more often the better. This is our work, taking back control of our minds and using them for good, for ourselves and others. It’s not easy, but there is no way around it if we want to be happy. By challenging your thoughts, and taking a different path, you are growing in new ways as a human being and have much more possibility for health and happiness. Plus, it just feels better to let go of this. Here are some examples of how this might work:

Example #1:

Negative Thought: I’m a fat slob, I don’t have any self control, I’m worthless (Pretty depressing isn’t it, but these are thoughts that we all have until we shift out of the habit).

Opposite: That’s not true, I’m beautiful, I am a person who has self control and I’m important.

Example #2:

Negative Thought: I have to eat that chocolate, I don’t have a choice, it’s the only way I can shift this feeling.

Opposite: That’s not true, I don’t need to eat that chocolate, I do have a choice and there are other ways to shift this feeling.

You get the idea. Remember, you don’t need to believe it, in fact, the more you resist the opposite thought, the more you’ll benefit from this practice. You don’t have to keep repeating the thought, just ponder it for 30 secs or as long as it’s comfortable.   You can repeat this process as much as you want. Play with it, have FUN with it, don’t make it a chore, enjoy the process. The more you do it and the more often you do it, the more you will notice positive changes in your life.

My question for you is, will you take on this challenge for the next 7 days? I’m doing this for the next 7 days for myself, in case you were wondering, so won’t you join me?   Email or comment on my blog to let me know you’re IN, and if you’re shy, you can also email me. I’d also love to know what you noticed after practicing this for a week. Here’s to your greater health and happiness!

Oh, and if you’d like free tips to help you let go of your food cravings and make peace with food, sign up on the right hand side of this blog and I’ll send them straight to your inbox.

All the best,


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