Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

How I Finally Made Peace with my Bathroom Scale

How I Finally Made Peace with my Bathroom Scale

Happy Woman With Arms Raised Crouching On Weight ScaleIf you’re anything like me (and most women growing up in our media-filled world), you’ve battled with your bathroom scale. You jump on it to see where you are and you’re either happy or upset, there’s hardly ever an in-between, neutral feeling. Maybe you stay away from it altogether, but either way, it’s not been a joy producing device. Well, I am here to tell you that I am so neutral about my bathroom scale now, I can hardly believe it. It wasn’t always this way though. In fact, for the past 8-9 years, I’ve pretty much avoided my scale as I didn’t want to disappoint myself. I wasn’t overweight by anyone’s opinion, or any measurement of obesity, but I knew I was weighing more than what I wanted. The problem was, nothing I did changed those numbers on that darn scale. No amount of healthy organic food, supplements, exercise, affirmations, meditation, prayer or anything else made it budge in any real way. So, what did I do? I mostly avoided that scale, I don’t need to beat myself up every morning. Can you relate? I’m guessing you don’t need that either, nobody does. What’s the point?

So that’s my recent story about my weight, but I’ve been a whole lot of different weights. Some people would say I was thin at times, others would say I was fat (for me, my heaviest weight was 45 pounds heavier than I am now) and everything in between (side note: the funny thing was, no matter what weight I was, everyone had an opinion about it, and everyone’s idea about what weight I should be was different–I was too fat and too thin all at the same time). But now, my weight is stable.  It’s boring.  I weigh myself in the morning, and it goes up and down a pound or three, no real pattern, just up and down hovering between 119-122. It doesn’t cause much emotion.  It’s actually more of a curiosity now to weigh myself.

When I was first losing weight on the metabolic balance® program, I followed directions and weighed myself daily.  This time, it was a different story, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was laughing every time I got on the scale because the numbers just kept going down. I reached my goal of losing 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks, and thought that was it. But I kept losing weight, slowly and steadily.  I even got down to my high school weight! I stayed there for a while and realized that what I really wanted was to weigh a bit more, so I ate more food, easy.  I’ve now stabilized at my healthy weight.

Back a few months ago, after losing my weight, I decided to test my metabolism to see if I could “break it” by eating potatoes and chocolate. I wasn’t eating huge amounts by any stretch, but it was much, much more than I’d been able to eat in years past. I could NOT break my metabolism! I was sure than my potato-rich meals would cause me to gain weight, but I actually lost more weight.

So, this is what peace with my bathroom scale looks like.  I’m not avoiding it, and I’m not getting emotional about it. I started the metabolic balance®program late April 2013, and I’m maintaining the peace. I’ve fixed my metabolism so that weight is just not my issue anymore. At first, I was “laughing all the way to the scale,” but that has now settled into a boring, peaceful morning ritual of greeting my scale or not, but knowing I can help others do the same with a smile on my face. I don’t really need to weigh myself, but for right now, I’m too curious not to, so I continue. So here are my questions for you:

  • What would it feel like to be at peace with that scale of yours?
  • What would it be like to be laughing all the way to the scale, feeling confident?

Please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you! And, please be kind to yourself on the scale, it doesn’t measure anything but your body weight, and a number on a scale does not measure your beauty, or your worth as the unique, creative, and resourceful human being that you are.

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All the best,



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