Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

A Healthier Food Guide Pyramid

A Healthier Food Guide Pyramid

A Healthier Food Guide PyramidYou’re probably familiar with the USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid. It was recently updated, but in my opinion, it’s still far from ideal nutrition. It’s way too heavy on the grains and other carbohydrates, and scares people into staying away from fat.  When you eat high amounts of carbohydrates and stay away from fat, your body gets busy storing fat in your fat cells. It’s not your body’s fault, it has no choice, it’s basic human physiology at work here. There are many factors here, but the food guide pyramid has not helped our population get healthier, in fact, quite the opposite. The problem is, this combination of high carb and low fat has contributed to the US population getting heavier and heavier and more and more unhealthy due to blood sugar imbalances.  Do you need the statistics? I didn’t think so.

So, I was happy when I took my training to be a Metabolic Balance®coach that Dr. Funfak, a German medical doctor, had made a healthier food guide pyramid, which is what you see above. This food guide pyramid encourages eating healthy fats, proteins, vegetables and fruits. The dairy in his food guide pyramid is NOT low fat, but full fat, the way nature made it. The only starchy carbohydrates recommended, though optional, are potato with their skin on and old style European sourdough rye bread.

This style of bread has a lower glycemic load than wheat products of any kind. The glycemic load is related to how much a food raises your blood sugar and you can read about it here. A low glycemic load is good for your blood sugar, and anything that helps you have an even and balanced blood sugar is healthy!

The other thing I like about this food guide pyramid, is that once your metabolism is balanced, you can have treats and sweets at the top of the pyramid and not fall ‘off the wagon’ as your body will be able to handle it better. It was surprising to me how much more I could get away with treat wise, after I balanced my metabolism! If you’d like more information about this transformative and life changing program, Metabolic Balance®, check out my program HERE. This program can be used for weight loss, lowering blood cholesterol or lipids, lowering inflammation and generally feeling great. For women in menopause or peri-menopause, it is a life changing!

So, let me ask you this:


  • Which food guide pyramid do you prefer?
  • How will this food guide pyramid influence your food choices if at all


I’d love to hear from you, please leave a comment!

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All the best,


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