Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

What’s Next Now That My Food Cravings are Gone?

What’s Next Now That My Food Cravings are Gone?

What’s Next Now That My Food Cravings are GoneI’ve heard this question in many forms again and again over many years since I’ve been using Acupressure for Food Craving Relief. It usually sounds more like this:


Now that I’m not spending all my time and mental space on food, I don’t know what to do with myself?!?’ 


This is a good problem to have, living beyond the grasp of the constant battle of food or body image issues, etc. It is a good place to be, but you can’t stay there forever, one must move forward into new territory, that’s the nature of life if you want to be happy.

For years, I’ve known that food craving relief was like the tip of the iceberg in terms of the relief and personal growth that someone could experience. Once those cravings are gone, there’s nothing standing in your way of moving forward, but how does one move forward? It’s a whole new world, and things have changed for you. For many of my patients, it’s taken time to get adjusted to their new lives. Acupressure is a great way to stop one’s behaviors and heal the past. But, how does one move forward beyond this? I’ve wanted to support my patients through this transition for years, and FINALLY, I found a way to do just that!

After many years of thinking about coaches training, I finally signed up and am so glad I did! I’m now offering coaching for those who want to stretch, grow and achieve their goals and dreams even beyond food craving relief. Once your food cravings and patterns of overeating are behind you, you have so much energy for creating something new, and I’d love to help you!

Curious? Sign up to receive free bi monthly tips for making peace with food and creating the life of your dreams to your right.

All the Best,


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