For the last 6 years, I’ve been focusing my practice on helping men and women be free of their food cravings using Acupressure (TAT). So, as you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot and can now predict progress for people pretty well.
These predictions aren’t time specific, but more stage specific and it depends on how much history there is for a person. So, I thought I would share this with you so you could see if this is something you might want to check out for yourself.
The first stage of sugar and carb cravings are not something I address with Acupressure, so I won’t go into much detail here. But here is what you’re saying if you’re in the following stages:
1. I Can Handle It:
What’s happening: Cravings for certain foods, I’m eating them or not eating them depending on the situation, but I think about it all too much either way. I’m also suffering with food hangovers.
What you’re saying to yourself:
“It’s not that bad, I like my ice cream, it’s the only thing I can rely on when I feel down, I’m okay, I can handle it.”
Next step: Food choices, assuring there’s enough protein and fat in your meals, balancing blood sugar or food based supplements usually help with this stage.
2. I’m Sick of IT!:
What’s happening:
I’m having really strong cravings, I’ve tried to stop eating the foods I crave, but I only have short term success. The cravings come back in times of stress or come out of the blue. The cravings are getting worse not better, and they’re especially bad when I’m tired at night.
What you’re saying to yourself:
“I want it to stop but I can’t and it makes me hate myself.”
“I feel weak and I’m afraid it will never change.”
“I feel addicted, there’s something wrong with me.”
“I know better, I’m smarter than this, but I keep doing it, ugh!”
Next Step: Acupressure session focusing on what bothers you most about your behavior to heal the pattern so you can make different choices.
3. I Can Be Free of This!
What’s happening:
You’ve had your first or second session and you feel different, but you’re not sure about it as it’s all so new.
What you’re saying to yourself:
“It’s possible to be free of this, but this is new and I’m not sure how long it will last.”
“I can’t imagine eating my craved food right now, that’s so weird, I can walk by my favorite cake and it doesn’t beckon me.”
“Should I avoid that food now? If I eat some, will I binge again and go right back where I was?”
“I’m not craving it, it’s just there, so maybe I’ll have some.”
Next Step: Next Acupressure Session
4. Settling into Freedom with Food!
What’s happening:
You’ve done your second, third or fourth session, it felt like it went deeper, and you feel more solid.
What you’re saying to yourself:
“I feel I can eat that food if I want, but I only need a small amount to feel satisfied.”
“I feel no urge to overeat my previously craved food, that is so weird, but weird in an I LOVE it way!”
“If I see food I previously craved, it’s easy to leave it there.”
“I feel like I’m solid ground now.”
Next Step:
More Acupressure if desired or life coaching to create greater health and happiness.
5. Freedom!
What’s happening:
You’ve gotten comfortable with the changes you’ve made and stopped doubting all the wonderful shifts you’ve experienced. Now that you don’t have a monkey on your back, you’re looking to make changes in your life that feel positive and expansive.
What you’re saying to yourself:
“I really want to take better care of myself and my body.”
“I am motivated to move forward in new directions, I couldn’t even see before when I was craving.”
“I want to give my body a break and give myself a chance to heal with foods that feel healthy for me.”
“I’d like to support myself in losing weight in a healthy way.”
Next Step:
To be determined by you and what your heart desires.
What would it feel like to be free of your food cravings?
Can you imagine feeling solid relative to your mood, energy and food choices?
This is a general guideline, and individual results vary. If you are curious about using Acupressure to help you get rid of your pattern of craving and make peace with food, check out my program for healing your food cravings and your relationship with food right HERE.
If you like what you’re reading and want more tips to make peace with food and your body, sign up below to receive my free tips, twice a month, it’s free!
Yours in Health,