Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Just Take One Small Step

Just Take One Small Step

small_stepSometimes we want to make big sweeping changes, and there’s nothing wrong with that, unless you’re not ready for that kind of change. An alternative is to make small changes. Changes so small, that your brain can’t really put up resistance to that change.


What am I talking about? I’m talking about doing something daily, that would seem insignificant, but if you keep doing it daily, it becomes easy and part of your routine. You see, we resist change, it’s human. But making such tiny changes will not set off our sabotaging responses and by the time you realize you’re doing something new, you’re so in the groove of it, that there’s nothing that can stop you.


So, I’m going to challenge you to pick one thing you’ll do for the next 30 days, pick one thing you’d like to do, one small thing. Get some supportive accountability around it, a friend, a partner, your spouse and tell them you’re going to do it and report to them. You can also sign up for daily emails to check your progress from:


This is a great service that will email you daily with a question and it tracks your progress, all you have to do is answer yes or no on the item you choose..


Up for the challenge? What will your new life affirming habit be? Here are a few ideas of daily habits you could start:

  • Standing up during commercials and stretching
  • Drinking a large glass of water upon waking up
  • Writing down 2 goals (1 short term and 1 long term)
  • Taking 3 relaxing deep breaths before you eat lunch
  • Adding an extra vegetable to each meal
  • Noting one thing you like about yourself
  • Doing something that lights you up and makes you smile
  • Doing a daily gratitude practice (write down 2 things you’re grateful for)


You can read more about this idea and why it works in this book:

What are some of your ideas for small things to add to your daily routine?

Hit reply and tell me what you’ll do.


All the best,






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