Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Is This P Word Holding You Back From Having Your Best Body?

Is This P Word Holding You Back From Having Your Best Body?

49th_birthdayI haven’t written in a while. I’d think of something to share and then another and because I wanted to share THE perfect thing, I ended up sharing nothing. Yet, I’m committed to helping you reach your goals.

I’ve been working on letting go of my PERFECTIONISTIC tendancies and healing is always better in community, so here’s my share. I hope it serves you.

I believed I needed to be perfect to be loved. I grew up in a household where critisism buzzed around like mosquitos in summer. It was used in an attempt to help me. It didn’t, it squashed my self confidence and put me on the defensive. I started my quest for perfection and it hasn’t completely left.

With the help of a very wise mentor, I let go of the need to be physically perfect. My food and weight obsession resolved. But years later, whenever I wasn’t loving myself and trying to be perfect, I would gain weight.

I wanted to be a perfect student, perfect employee, perfect practitioner, etc. I’m over it, it never served me and has the potential to keep me from serving you. All this pursuit does is thwart my life energy and squelch my true nature. Then I’m not showing up and being myself in the world, I’m striving for acceptance outside myself. I’m over that, I want to serve, I want to be happy and I can’t do either if I’m pursuing perfection.

So, I’m letting go of the pursuit and I’m just going to be perfectly me, flaws and all.

It’s been over a year since I hosted the first Love Your Body Challenge. Hundreds of women and a few brave men participated over the following months. Lives were transformed, I loved it and got great feedback.

I’d like to offer another one, and invite you to participate. It’s free.

You might be wondering why loving your body is important? You may think you’ll start loving your body when it’s the perfect weight or when you get control of your cravings. I get that, I’ve been there!

You may even think that it will be easy to love your body when you lose weight, but it’s the other way around.

Love is imporant, because it’s the long term answer to your food and weight issues and it’s also the antidote to perfectionism and pain.You can eat the perfect food, do the perfect exercise, but if you don’t let go of the self critisim and the pursuit of perfection, progress won’t stick long term.

So, my questions for you are:

1 – Is letting go of perfection, so you can finally feel comfortable in your own skin important to you?

2 – Do you see the value of accepting yourself just the way you are so you can then make positive change?

3 – Do you want to let go of the negative body image thoughts looping in your head?

4 – What does your heart desire?

Post and answer any one or all of these questions below in the comments, or add your own. I’ll design a free challenge based on your responses.
I want and need your honest feedback, so please take a risk and share. I will not judge you, I promise.

Thank you for reading, and please know that I am always learning and growing from my mistakes and I’m now more committed than ever to serve you with heart, not perfection. That’s what’s perfect for me.

What’s perfect for you?

Much Love,


ps. That photo is of me being silly on my 49th birthday 🙂

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