Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

I Felt Powerless to Help Him

I Felt Powerless to Help Him

Last November, my beautiful horse Wisdom arrived at his new barn. I turned him out in the roundpen and he went crazy.

He was lame the next day

Long story short, the Vet suggested a round of Bute, which is like Ibuprofen for humans. It can WRECK the stomach of horses let alone the rest of their gut, liver and kidneys. After this, we gave him Chinese herbs to help circulation for his hooves.

I had started checking in with him empathically to see where he was in discomfort. For some reason, it didn’t dawn on me to do this, even though I’ve done this with humans for decades.

Wisdom’s stomach was VERY upset. Nausea is what I felt.

I told the Vet and discontinued the herbs, reintroduced them and every time I added them back, his stomach was worse

She wasn’t convinced he was in distress as he didn’t show the typical symptoms.  I didn’t tell her what I felt as I didn’t want to be labeled crazy. Plus, I’m not an equine expert, I’m a beginner.

Fast forward, Wisdom started spooking!

He’d always been a confident horse, why was he suddenly spooking? He’d spooked only once in the 4 months I’d had him

The spooking continued nearly daily, even when moving him to a quieter barn.

I gave him a formula for healing his stomach, but it didn’t help. I was grasping at straws.

I learned that a tense stomach was related to spooking from someone I was following online.


As a new horse person, I’d never heard of that connection.

I decided to give him an Acupressure treatment (remotely) for his stomach and he stopped spooking immediately!!!

I continued his treatments every other day. He spooked two more times weeks apart and then stopped. He hasn’t spooked since April.

His stomach was upset initially from the medication, but also tense due to stress and tension.

I signed up to learn Relaxation techniques that help horses relax while training.

What I’ve learned to help him relax his stomach and his whole body is SO similar to what I help my own patients with, it’s actually kinda spooky. Ha ha.

This has been a game changer for us both and he and I continue to heal and learn from each other.

I didn’t know HOW to help him, but I believed my intuition, what I felt, and I didn’t give up. This is vital when it comes to healing.

Trust Yourself

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