Love Your Body and Embrace Your Best Life

Food Craving Relief

I work with sensitive, intelligent men and women who have achieved many things in their lives, except when it comes to certain specific food cravings.

They know better, but when stress hits, they turn to old habits of eating that they’re not proud of, but just can’t change. These cravings are impacting their peace of mind, and it’s embarrassing. Though they eat healthy almost all of the time, strong cravings for sugar, starchy foods or simple carbohydrates are keeping them from living their lives fully and going to the next level.

I help them finally let go of these mental habits and replace them with one’s that are “way more satisfying.” Treat meals can be enjoyed with peace and freedom instead. The good news is, this can all be done over the phone.

Do You:

  • Eat clean, organic food, that is perfect for your body most of the time?
  • Hide the evidence after you “go off the wagon?”
  • Start eating a treat, and before you know it, you’ve eaten way too much?
  • Feel embarrassed that you know so much, but are out of control?
  • Fear you’ll be rejected if your behavior is exposed?
  • Eat really well for a while, but then self-sabotage, and can’t break the pattern?
  • Feel trapped by the love/hate relationship with food?


  • Ending the struggle with food so that you can enjoy your healthy lifestyle
  • Keeping chocolate or other treats in your home without fear of bingeing
  • Enjoying your favorite food or guilty pleasure without overdoing or regret
  • Being free of this obsession with food for good
  • Setting an example of health for the people you love in your life
  • Feeling free and confident in your food choices
  • Getting on with the more important things in your life

Introducing The Food Craving Relief Program:

A 5-week one-on-one coaching option where you receive 3 one-on-one Acupressure BY PHONE (yes, it’s possible, and it works!) sessions to help you change your unwanted habits so you can more easily stick to your predetermined healthy eating plan.

We start off with a 30 min intake session to discuss your goals and briefly go over your health history and your 24 hour food journal. This program is designed for someone in good health without a complicated medical history (unless you are seeing a functional medicine doctor concurrently).

This is a great program for someone who has an established healthy and structured eating plan. You may be a Coach, Doctor, Nutritionist or Dietitian, or other health care provider, or are working with one and you just can’t change certain behaviors. You may just know a lot about Nutrition and be implementing it. You may already know what you need to be doing, but need help sticking to it without so much struggle, especially in times of stress or boredom.

What You Can Expect:

First Acupressure Session:

With this session, changes are noticed, you may find you can’t believe you used to overeat the food you once craved. You might walk past it and have no interest. This usually goes on for 7 to 10 days. Then, you see the food and wonder if you should have some. The craving isn’t there, but it’s like, ‘Hey, I deserve this or it’s free, I should have one or should I have one?’ You may even have some, but find that you don’t overeat and it wasn’t really a big deal anyways. This is not a bad sign, it’s just an indication that you need to do your next session as the next layer ready to be healed is coming up. You can only heal so much in one session without overwhelming your system.

Second Acupressure Session:

7-14 days later is the best time for this session, but this also depends on your situation and your previous and current eating habits. This session is usually less dramatic and we may have to dig a little deeper to get to the problem as the monkey is off your back and you’re already feeling a whole lot better.

This one usually focuses on specific foods that are still a problem, or the more subtle attraction to food that sounds like ‘It’s no big deal, it’s free food, I should have one’. You can also work on fear of being deprived if you eat healthy foods. Whatever you choose to focus on, once you’re done with this session, you most often are able to eat just one without overeating or falling back into the cycle of craving.

Third Acupressure Session:

This session usually focuses on helping you let go of any patterns or fears that the cravings will come back or resistance that comes up as you move closer to your goal. It helps you feel solid in your new way of being, and you can then turn to what you want for moving forward in your life. It also helps you shift at a deeper level so if and when severe stress comes up, you don’t automatically resort to your old habits (If you do resort to those habits, you’ll have the tools of Acupressure for yourself to help you get back in balance quickly).

Ready to let go of your cravings for good?

Investment $597.00

Schedule your free 15-minute consult (this does not obligate you to purchase):

Still wonder if I can help you with your cravings?

You are a good fit for The Food Craving Relief Program if you answer yes to seven or more of the following:

Are you...

  • Doing your inner and outer work! Whether it’s psychotherapy, nutrition counseling, life coaching, reading books, taking workshops, 12 step programs, but you still struggle?
  • Actively trying to change this and stop certain behaviors, but can’t?
  • Motivated to change this even though you think you lack the willpower to do it?
  • Embarrassed about your behavior, and you hide it?
  • Keenly aware of what foods you shouldn’t eat?
  • Accomplished in many areas, but peace with food has eluded you?
  • Mentally beating yourself up because you know better?
  • Tired of relying on willpower and mind tricks?
  • Someone who has one or more family members (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings) who have or have had problems with alcohol or other substance abuse?
  • Someone who believes that your body can heal and you’d prefer to do it naturally?
  • Feeling like you have a greater purpose, but this thing with food keeps you from living up to your full potential?
  • On a spiritual path, even if you can’t describe it?
  • Sensitive?
  • Willing to look inward and come up with solutions (they ARE in there)?
  • A little bit skeptical that this could work?

If you can say yes to any of the following, the My Healthy Foundation Program may be a better fit for you:

Are you...

  • Taking birth control pills, antidepressants, or other pharmaceuticals (these can affect your results).
  • You’re not 100% sure what foods you should be eating.
  • You have other health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or other diagnoses.
  • You want to lose weight.
  • Your hormones are not balanced, and you’re not enrolled in a program like Metabolic Balance® for balancing hormones.
  • You are exercising a lot, but not losing weight.

I believe in watching my patients gets amazing results and not everyone is a good fit to work with me or for this type of solution. 

You are not a good fit if you answered yes to these questions:

Are you...

  • Uninterested in self-reflection or inner processes?
  • Under the belief that things just are the way they are, healing is not possible for you?
  • One to complain but you resist change?
  • Aware that your cravings are not diminishing, but are unwilling to let go and trust that you could feel even more satisfied in another way?
  • Unwilling to stretch or try new things?
  • Someone who would prefer to take pharmaceuticals if they could work for you?
  • Someone who has a hard time following directions or being guided through processes?
  • Blaming others and not yet taking personal responsibility?
  • Unwilling to temporarily stop eating certain foods that are causing you problems?
  • In the early stages of a 12 step program (less than 2 years in recovery)?
  • Currently struggling with bulimia or anorexia?

Still have questions?

Explore the Frequently Asked Questions section below:

How is the Acupressure you do different from regular Acupressure?

Acupressure has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and works with the same principles of channels and points like Acupuncture. The difference with the method I'm using, is that you hold your own Acupressure points around your face and the back of you head. Holding these points gently activates the vision centers of your brain, where old memories or stuck emotions can be accessed and integrated. Once this happens, your experience of the 'problem' can shift and what bothered you before will be less bothersome or not at all.

Regular Acupressure works when a practitioner holds specific points on your body to promote balance. Regular Acupressure is also a great choice for those that want a needle free approach or those that like to do Acupressure on themselves. Both methods have great value and have different outcomes and purposes.

Will I be tired if I do a session for caffeine and stop or cut down on drinking my caffeinated beverage?

Some patients report they felt a little less energy the day after their session, but this is not unusual no matter what subject you work on.

After your session, you'll be less likely to need caffeine to get an energy boost or to think and function. You can choose to have some caffeine, but you probably won't want as much or feel the need for it. Many patients who felt dependent on caffeine to function, state they have actually have more energy after their session(s).

Am I going to miss that good feeling that I get when I eat my craved food?

This is a very common question. I can't say this often enough; when you do a session, you find the root cause for the craving. There is always a good reason for the craving, it's just usually outdated and/or no longer necessary. People report insights that they never had before, and in the moment they have this insight, the block to their satisfaction is gone along with the craving. It's almost like a craving is a block to your satisfaction or good feeling, and when it is addressed in the session, the block dissolves. The next time you are presented with a life event that would have caused you to crave/overeat, you will find another way to find the same or higher level of satisfaction.

Think of this like a river that has had a tree fall into it, creating all kinds of rough water and eddies. Once the tree is gently moved, the water starts flowing again. In your body, the craving goes and satisfaction is found, because there is no block left. It's a simple and natural process, that leaves you feeling more satisfied instead of less satisfied. Cravings are actually an outmoded attempt to achieve satisfaction, rarely achieving the desired intent.

Please note: To take away your craved food without helping you replace it with something equally or more satisfying would not be helpful to you, and doing so would go against my professional ethics.

When I’ve stopped eating my craved foods in the past, I had withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches. Will this happen after your treatment?

One of the benefits of the treatment is there are generally no withdrawal symptoms when you stop eating the foods you felt compelled to eat. Your sessions address the cravings at their source and have an effect on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. Without this method, it is common to have withdrawal symptoms from foods such as sugar, wheat or caffeine, which can include headaches, tiredness, fogginess and cravings. After a few days, many of these symptoms fade, but for some people, they never fade, and can be active for years.

How many sessions will I need for my food cravings?

It depends on your goals and how many issues you want to address. It also depends on what you're currently eating and your overall nutritional status. I recommend a minimum of three sessions in order to address all – or the majority – of your food issues. In general: Food cravings usually require one session per category of food. Chocolate usually requires one session. Sweets usually require one session. Non-sweet carbohydrates like pasta and bread usually require one session. That being said, sometimes it takes two sessions to completely clear a category, but it is less common. If you crave combinations of the above, you may resolve all of them in one session, but plan on it taking multiple sessions. We won't know how far-reaching the benefits are until you have completed your first session and return to your life to see what has changed. Overeating and compulsive eating can require as little as one session or as many as five or more sessions to return you to balance. Each person is unique with our own histories and we all respond differently to sessions. The sessions are tailored specifically to your issues and my intent is to help you reach your goals as quickly and gently as possible.

Will I need to repeat my Food Craving Relief session(s)?

Sessions do not need to be repeated for the same issue once the issue is resolved. Once resolved, the changes you experience will be long-lasting, because your cravings or patterns of overeating are addressed at their source.

You will know when an issue is resolved because your thoughts and behavior will change regarding the issue you worked on in the session. Even though the change can be dramatic, it feels natural, like how it should feel – it feels normal. Sometimes, issues come up during sessions that patients choose to work on in another session. This is completely their decision.

How do The Food Craving Relief sessions work?

By holding Acupressure points that correlate to the vision centers of the brain while focusing on verbal statements, your patterns of behavior subtly shift. These changes are made by gently accessing the memories, beliefs or behaviors that created your cravings or patterns of overeating.

As soon as you become aware of these memories, beliefs or behaviors, they start to fade – and the "grip" they had on you fades, as well. The treatment targets the behavior that is troubling you and helps to resolve it at its source. It works by repairing the neural pathways that have been damaged by repeated stress over time. Once the neural pathways have changed, your thoughts and behavior will reflect the change.

I’ve had this issue my entire life – how can you help me in 1-3 sessions?

I have worked successfully with many people who have struggled with cravings or overeating since childhood. The length of time and the severity of the cravings do not mean they require more sessions to resolve. It depends on the person, and everyone's experience is unique. Many people resolve their cravings in one session, and others need more than one session. With each session, you will gain greater and greater benefits.

Still wonder if I can help you with your cravings?

Read below about what others are saying and what this program can do for you.

Very impressed with the results.

I recently participated in your Acupressure therapy to help reduce my food cravings. As someone with a sweet tooth for the last 50 years and a bonafide chocoholic, I didn’t think food therapy would really work, but I decided to give it a try. I am very impressed with the results. Not only did I have 2 lbs. of great chocolate candy in my house untouched for several weeks after the therapy, but I now really think about what sweets I put in my mouth. I only had one session and I feel if I have more, the results will be better still. I plan to send my daughter to you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Attorney | San Francisco, CA

Kara released me from a persistent carbohydrate addiction.

A 30-minute phone session with Kara released me from a persistent carbohydrate addiction. I continue to be amazed that my behavior has changed. I find myself walking away from the food table at parties after choosing the gourmet cheeses or veggies and dip rather than the chocolates and pastries 🙂

Naomi Colb

Life Coach | San Francisco, CA

I’m free, free of the devil candy.

I am so happy that I came to you for an Acupressure treatment for my sugar cravings. Not really an addiction, just an inability to stop after one piece of candy…all the way down to the bottom of the bowl. Well, I’m free, free of the devil candy. I really can have just one piece and not feel like finishing the entire dish. I am really impressed with the treatment. You have a lovely manner. Your space is comfortable and relaxing. I am delighted that we have met and I look forward to staying in touch. But thankfully not with “sugar” issues. I will highly recommend you and particularly your treatment for sugar cravings to family, friends and acquaintances. Thank you.


Mortgage Broker | Oakland, CA

I have a significant reduction in the cravings for carbs.

Kara, I think you are fabulous and appreciated meeting you at the session. I have a significant reduction in the cravings for carbs (crackers) and am craving only healthy foods.


Albany, CA

That afternoon, I didn’t obsess over dessert & I haven’t since.

I was very doubtful that Acupressure could help me control my need for dessert every afternoon. But not only did Kara guide me through the food craving session, she also helped me get past the doubt – all 4 times I told her I was feeling it. That afternoon, I didn’t obsess over dessert & I haven’t since. I think the session with Kara has helped me eat more consciously – only when I’m hungry & only until I’m full. I really didn’t think it could work – but it did.


San Francisco, CA

I discovered the true reason behind my sweet tooth and worked on positive reinforcement statements to aid me in the process of breaking these old habits.

Dear Kara: I wanted to let you know how effective our food session was. As you know, I am currently trying to manage my weight loss and I have quite a sweet tooth. This need for sugar and sweets often sabotages my weight loss efforts.

Through my session with you, I discovered the true reason behind my sweet tooth and worked on positive reinforcement statements to aid me in the process of breaking these old habits. Initially, it proved to be very strong and I did not eat sweets for approximately two weeks, then I fell back into the old habits. But, as you predicted, lately I have dropped off eating the sweets and have leveled out to healthy eating habits once again. What a relief!

Thank you for helping me unlock the mystery behind my self-sabotage. I think that this type of feedback could work for any type of compulsion one might need to work on, like smoking or nail biting, etc. It would probably also work for anger issues and helping to calm anxiety.

I have enjoyed all of my acupuncture sessions with you and enjoy having you as my practitioner; however I was most impressed with our ONE food craving session, and wanted to let you know the end results. Thanks again for all your efforts.

Suzanne Lusk

Fremont, CA

If you’re having a problem with chocolate, you should give Kara a call.

I first approached Kara because I was having difficulty with chocolate, and being a personal trainer and wellness coach, I knew this would not do. To say I was skeptical would be a gross understatement, and adding to my skepticism was Kara’s testimonial from a patient who achieved relief from a craving after only one session. I found it to be a fascinating exercise, but truly felt that the first time I was really stressed, I’d fall. Was it successful for me? Absolutely. If you’re having a problem with chocolate, you should give Kara a call.

After getting results for my difficulty with chocolate, I decided to give Kara a real test – my allergic reaction to gluten, which was even more troubling to me. I had been without breads and pasta (heresy for a Sicilian-American) for quite a while and sorely missed them. Long story short…it worked like a charm!

Kara employs this surprisingly straightforward technique with compassion, clarity, respect, a sense of humor where appropriate, great patience and clearly loves her work. If you’ve been plagued by a similar problem, give Kara a call.

Zo De Muro

Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach | Berkeley, CA

Kara is an awesome coach that gets results!

I hired Kara because I had strong cravings for popcorn every afternoon. I’m a peak performance athlete and have been a vegetarian for 25 years and popcorn was my weakness. This troubled me. I didn’t think it was possible, but my cravings were gone in one session, and I actually haven’t had popcorn since our session. I am still amazed!

Kara is an awesome coach that gets results! Anyone that has food cravings should contact her.


Peak Performance Athlete / Author | USA

I have greatly decreased my sugar intake, started cooking, exercising and enjoying life again.

I have been a Pepsi addict since I first drank the stuff. I would drink 5+ Pepsi’s a day. Well, I know it’s not good for my weight or my cholesterol. Kara introduced me to Acupressure. I truly didn’t believe in it.

However- I have had several Acupressure sessions and although I still drink Pepsi, I only drink one a day. Also, I have greatly decreased my sugar intake, started cooking, exercising and enjoying life again. Hmmm, could it be the Acupressure?

Mary P.

Pittsburg, CA

Since our single session, Jack and I have been drinking red wine with no adverse reactions!

My husband and I came to see Kara to get help with our reactions to red wine. We enjoyed drinking wine, but it created allergy symptoms, which wasn’t fun. Since our single session, Jack and I have been drinking red wine with no adverse reactions! We don’t get stuffed up and can breathe easily. We could tell something had changed during the session, and then were delighted when we tested it out. It’s wonderful! So, thank you! I’ve also had great results with the work we did on my carbohydrate cravings.

Amira Alvarez

Certified Alexander Technique Instructor

I feel much more in tune with my body so that I am better able to enjoy the sweets and can stop eating them when my body says enough.

Hi Kara, I have had good results from our acupressure session! I had to laugh because the day after our session, my boyfriend bought me a small box of chocolates for our anniversary. I was excited because I ate only one or two chocolates at a time, instead of the whole box all at once, and found that I really enjoyed them.

Since then, I have been impressed because I still eat and even crave a sweet here and there, but I don’t eat them ravenously in large quantities any longer. I feel much more in tune with my body so that I am better able to enjoy the sweets and can stop eating them when my body says enough.

I am very happy with the results!

Tara Valcarcel

San Francisco, CA

She found the heart of the issue in under an hour, and her solution continues to serve me, many months later.

I went to see Kara because I knew there was something off in my relationship with tea and coffee. I noticed that when I was out to coffee with a girlfriend, I didn’t need to drink the whole cup, but when I was home alone, I would go through 2 or 3 cups in the morning without thinking, and then drink black tea with milk and sugar in the afternoon — sometimes ALL afternoon. What I found in my work with her was that the warm, sweet drinks were standing in for love that I desperately wanted, and couldn’t find on my own (I could find it when I was with a friend). My mantra became, “I choose to have all the love I need,” and my desire for those sweet things diminished remarkably. I still drink tea and coffee, but much more mindfully. I found Kara’s approach to my weirdness around tea to be exactly what I needed. She found the heart of the issue in under an hour, and her solution continues to serve me, many months later. I can’t recommend her highly enough to people with “inexplicable” food cravings.

Michele V.

Berkeley, CA

I’ve lost 10 of the 25 pounds I targeted as my goal, without even thinking about it.

I had two sessions with Kara and over three weeks I’ve lost 10 of the 25 pounds I targeted as my goal, without even thinking about it. I just step onto the scale in the morning to witness the miracle continuing. Try Kara’s magic in her office or over the phone. She calls it the Food Craving Solution and there’s a video on her website about this service. I’m here to tell you it works.


San Jose, CA

Learning TAT has been very empowering and has put me in direct contact with the innate healing power of my body, mind, and spirit.

I came to Kara for help with my PMS after finding the TAT sessions I did with her in the past very successful for alleviating intense sugar/processed carb cravings.

My PMS symptoms consisted of very intense irritability and mood swings, fatigue, body aches, and chocolate cravings. These symptoms usually stared 7-10 days before my period started. This has been going on for many years, and none of the many things I tried helped much.

I went to see Kara for a TAT session 5 days before my period, and continued to do TAT at home on my own for the next few days after the treatment. The irritability disappeared immediately after the treatment, and never returned. The mood swings never happened, and the fatigue, body aches, and chocolate cravings were very mild compared to their usual extreme intensity.

I believed TAT would work for my PMS, because after using it to alleviate a back ache during a TAT session when Kara I realized I could experiment with using it for all types of physical pain–including menstrual cramps. I am usually unable to leave the house the first day of my period due to the severity of my menstrual cramps. Now I just do TAT when the cramps starts, and I can get the cramps to disappear within approximately 20 minutes.

When I used to take NSAID’s for the cramps (i.e. advil or alieve), the cramps would always come back a few hours later and often even stronger, requiring me to take more pills that I know have numerous side effects. With TAT the cramps don’t come back. Learning TAT has been very empowering and has put me in direct contact with the innate healing power of my body, mind, and spirit.


Magic. That's it. It's the only word to describe what Kara provides.

I found Kara by accident actually, now I'll say “fate” led me to her. After years of therapy, diet plans, yo-yo syndrome, I can make the claim “I have control over food!”, it does not control me. Two acupressure sessions, allowed me to acknowledge why I craved. The sessions set me free. Carb and sugar cravings are long gone. This does not mean I never have a thought about breads, desserts or candy, it means I don’t act on those thoughts. The thoughts leave as quickly as they appear. I feel it’s a matter of the brain retraining itself. It”s truly amazing! Food is not a “desire” now, it is a necessity. Kara has a strong desire to help people. Her passion and energy fill the room. She gently leads you to the depths of your concerns, and seems to know “there just may be one more thing to acknowledge.

Kara suggested I go on the cleanse. If I had not had my first two sessions with her, there is absolutely no way I could have stuck with the cleanse. By day 3, I would have sabotaged the program. But I can honestly say, it has been an easy process and I have never felt so good. My energy is up and sleeping is blissful. With Kara’s guidance and expertise, I know I am finally on the road to better health and greater emotional happiness. Kara is your last stop with weight issues.

Plus I must add, Kara offers the highest customer service you will ever experience. She definitely lets you know she is there for you! Fabulous support!

Thank you Kara, for your expertise, your gentle spirit and your passion.


San Jose, CA

I don’t eat junk food anymore, quit diet coke and, and I don’t eat rice/pasta/gluten on a regular basis.

I just came back from a dental check-up and I didn’t have any cavities, my gums did not bleed and I was told my mouth was really clean. The reason I’m telling you this is because they were amazed and wanted to know what i had been doing. I told them I don’t eat junk food anymore, quit diet coke and, and I don’t eat rice/pasta/gluten on a regular basis. These are all the things I have been doing because of your program.


I have DEFINITELY noticed a huge difference on my interest levels with this food as well as the amounts I am having.

On the ice-cream front, I have DEFINITELY noticed a huge difference on my interest levels with this food as well as the amounts I am having. My boyfriend bought me an ice cream cake for my birthday on Tuesday and I still have 85% of it left – this is huge and wouldn’t have EVER been the case before. I say ‘RESULT'!


Northern California

I thought I always had to live with my eating disorder but the gorilla on my back is now gone.

Kara has the magic lamp. You tell her your wish and she will use the magic lamp to make your wish come true. What she did for me is a miracle. I thought I always had to live with my eating disorder but the gorilla on my back is now gone. I am one of the normal people with normal eating habits. If you have any eating disorder, don’t wait. See her right away!!

Linda P.

Santa Clara, CA

I feel so much more relaxed and am better able to be in the present.

I went to Kara for some anxiety issues. After some very in-depth analysis, she guided me through a process of self-applied acupressure and focus. Her gentle and non judgmental guidance really helped me to visualize letting go of some of my anxiety and the trauma that caused it. I feel as if I’ve begun to address the traumatic event through my session with Kara, and am beginning to have a different perspective about it. The thoughts, feelings and emotions related to it have totally faded. I feel so much more relaxed and am better able to be in the present, as opposed to constantly reliving these events that contributed to my anxiety.

Kara is gifted and skillful at what she does. And the fact that this was accomplished all over the phone/computer, is wonderful!! I love that I could do this from my home and it was a very lovely and comfortable experience. I can’t wait until my next session!!

Thanks Kara, you rock!


Berkeley, CA

I immediately noticed a shift in my eating habits and cravings.

Working with Kara on my food cravings and emotional eating was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. For as long as I can remember I’ve been an emotional eater. If I was stressed, happy, depressed, angry, or anything else… food was the answer. Food was the thing that soothed me and made me feel better or gave me a little bit of pleasure inside a crappy situation or day. But food was also the thing that was destroying my body and causing me to gain loads of weight over the years. I felt like I had no control of my eating habits and was constantly derailed by cravings. Having to eat cookies or muffins or chocolate every. single. day. and hoping that “tomorrow” was the day I could finally clean up my eating. Well, tomorrow finally came after my first food craving session with Kara.

It was so simple and so easy I didn’t for one second think it would work on me. I was certain I’d be the 1% that didn’t have success… but quite the opposite! I immediately noticed a shift in my eating habits and cravings. After just three sessions, I had ZERO food cravings. I would drive past all my favorite restaurants thinking, “eh, I have stuff at home.” I’d walk into the store past the cookies and muffins and chocolates and think, “I have no idea how to feed myself without cravings!” And I’d leave with healthy foods.

Even now, months and months after our work I am craving free. If I start to eat something more than I like, I stop, just like that. It’s changed my life and my health, and I’ve never been happier to have hired someone for support. After at least 20 years of battling with food, I can finally say I’m craving free and NOT an emotional eater. There’s so much freedom in that. I can’t recommend Kara enough, her work is phenomenal and she’s truly dedicated to freeing her clients from cravings and emotional eating. Love her tons!!”

Stephenie Zamora

Business Coach and Brand Strategist

I am amazed at the results.

This was my first experience with both Acupuncture and Acupressure and I have nothing but positive things to say. I am amazed at the results and the space is perfect, great Los Gatos location, spa-like office and Kara is incredible! She is clearly very knowledgeable and well educated in both Acupuncture and Health/ Nutrition.

One of the things I love (besides the results!) is her non-judgmental nature. She is very warm and appropriately clinical. She has a great presence and confidence but is not pushy . I would highly recommend working with Kara, she can help with almost any issue around body, mind and food cravings.


Los Gatos, CA

I can’t believe I am not snacking!

I can’t believe I am not snacking! I used to be the queen of snacking! Sometimes I even forget and go almost 6 hours and I’m still fine! When I’m hungry, it’s just something I notice and not something that feels like an emergency. I’m obviously not binge eating at night either which is another miracle unto itself. I never thought I’d escape that!



Thank you for your work on my sugar addiction.

Thank you for your work on my sugar addiction. It has definitely been a different feeling (yet not so different feeling) not having a pull to the sugar. I’ve had opportunity to order desserts and I’ve declined because it just doesn’t interest me whatsoever. Additionally, I have eaten a little sugar and had no thoughts about the fact I did it until I reviewed my day before sleep. Wonderfully weird indeed!


That procedure is amazing, and I am a true believer.

I wanted to get back to you and let you know of my results from the Acupressure. As you know I have concerns with over indulging in sweets.

The weeks following I did not and still do not eat much sugar. I used to eat many M&M peanuts every night, I have not had any in over three weeks. When I drank coffee I would add sugar, I drink coffee without using any sweeteners, don’t get me wrong I can still eat sweets, but I don’t have the urges any more. I mean I really have to think about it to eat sweets. I don’t enjoy them less, I just have to want them more. Before, the eating of sweets was a daily ritual and it was more than one time a day. Now I lack the cravings for sweets that used to be constant. I tell you, that procedure is amazing, and I am a true believer.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Berkeley, CA

After one session, I have complete control over what I eat.

I came in to see Kara after Christmas ’07 for help with my chocolate and sugar cravings (addictions). Amazingly after one session, I have complete control over what I eat. I went shopping that very night and while the thought of chocolate entered my mind, I was not interested in buying anything sweet.

I no longer crave sweets every day and on the odd occasion when I indulge, I enjoy it and I am not later overrun with cravings to eat more or go out and buy sweets. Perhaps the best side effect is that I am more inclined to eat healthy foods and feel satisfied. I no longer overeat, which, along with an exercise program, has led to me losing 10 lbs. in a month. Hooray for Kara and her skills and technique!

I recommend her to any and all who have food issues and have a real desire to make a true and permanent change for the better in their lives.

Paul Coletti

Massage Therapist | San Rafael, CA

I have been able to stop drinking coffee.

I have been able to stop drinking coffee, and in general, not eat too many sweets due to this method. For example, I used it for ice cream and have not really had a craving…


SF Area East Bay, CA

I did some food craving sessions with Kara and was amazed at the immediate shifts I experienced.

I’ve always had a sweet tooth. And as I whipped through a box of Girl Scout cookies earlier this year, I realized it was a little out of control.

I did some food craving sessions with Kara and was amazed at the immediate shifts I experienced. Right away I noticed that when I did eat sweets, my taste buds felt neutralized. It was like I didn’t have to have another cookie – one was enough. I love that in working with Kara, it’s not about giving up foods I enjoy, rather it’s about not feeling run by food anymore.

Kara’s calming and caring demeanor made me feel totally comfortable throughout the entire process. She’s supportive and non-judgmental, which is great when you’re sharing your personal habits and feelings around a sometimes sensitive subject. If you want to change your relationship with food, please contact Kara.

Jennifer Lee

Certified Life Coach | Artizen Coaching

Since my session, my morning blood-sugar levels have dropped from the 120s to the 80s and 90s, and it’s been a lot easier to resist chocolate.

In 2005, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. As a lifelong mass consumer of chocolate, I suddenly had to reconcile my desire to eat a lot of chocolate at night before I went to sleep with its direct impact on my health.

Kara did a great job in a single short session to help me with my chocolate cravings. It wasn’t difficult, painful or embarrassing, but it did get to the root of the problem.

Since my session, my morning blood-sugar levels have dropped from the 120s to the 80s and 90s, and it’s been a lot easier to resist chocolate. I think what Kara did was “willpower helper,” taking my desire to change things and giving me the edge to keep my resolution.

I recommend it to anyone who has to change their life patterns in order to avoid specific food cravings.


Esquire | Novato, CA

The emotional charge is gone. I feel so relieved!

I had a session with Kara Sorensen regarding my cravings for coffee. I have craved coffee for over 20 years and for a period of time, I drank it every day. However, I got headaches in the middle of the night and even though coffee took away the headache the next morning, it was uncomfortable to wake up with a headache.

For that reason, I stopped drinking coffee several years ago to eliminate my headaches, but the craving never ceased. I wanted coffee every day of my life. Kara assisted me regarding this craving. At the end of an hour, I was clear of the conflict and realized this went way back to my religious upbringing. Now, I’m able to drink coffee or leave it, as the emotional charge is gone. I feel so relieved!


Psychotherapist | San Francisco, CA

All of my food anxiety was gone. It was the craziest thing! I was so much happier, and my body image improved dramatically.

Before my Acupressure session with Kara, I worried about food often. What have I eaten today? How will it affect how I look in my clothes? Should I go on a diet again? These were not new questions. I asked myself these things several times a day. It was tiring. I knew something was wrong with this, and that it was not how I wanted to live my life.

It started when I joined a national weight loss program. I had been overweight my entire life, and with this plan I lost 30 pounds in about 5 months (20% of my body weight). The first 20 come off easily, but it was the last 10 that were more difficult. I exercised for at least an hour each day and watched everything I ate. I planned my meals, and while I was eating one meal, I was already thinking about the next. If I deviated from my menu for the day, I would beat myself up for eating something that I shouldn’t have. It affected my sleep, and I was blacking out.

I first went to a psychiatrist and confessed that I spent a lot of time thinking about food. She saw nothing wrong with this and said, “Well, if you find yourself obsessing, give yourself a time frame where you’re allowed to think about it, and when that time is up… stop.” Easier said than done. Nothing changed.

In fact, things got worse. I was often tired and irritable, so I decided to find a nutritionist. We went over my average daily caloric intake and exercise routine. She helped explain the physiologic reasons behind my obsession with food. This was helpful… I wasn’t crazy! My body was reacting in a totally “rational” manner. Her advice was to eat more, and specifically add more carbohydrates to my diet. I did and was almost instantly able to sleep through the night without waking up and obsessing about food.

I felt better and had more energy, but then I started to gain weight. This did not sit well with me. I had worked so hard to lose that weight… Why should I allow myself to gain any of it back? I went through a time where I would be content with my food intake, but then the pendulum would swing in the other direction (usually after I would find that certain clothes no longer fit me the way they used to) and I would severely restrict my food intake. This was not fun, and I often wondered whether I could ever have a “normal” relationship with food.

This went on for months, and then I found Kara. I was interested in acupuncture for an unrelated matter, but somehow, the “food issue” came up in my conversations with Kara. She thought that Acupressure might be able to help me. I always felt so comfortable with Kara, and hoped that this would finally be the breakthrough I needed.

The Acupressure session itself was different from what I had imagined. I thought that Kara would apply pressure to various parts of my body (sort of along the lines of needles in Acupuncture), but no… the pressure came from my own two hands. Kara guided me through a series of questions, and the answers that came out of me were things that I had not shared with anyone else – ever. It was all so effortless and everything made so much sense. After the session, it literally felt as if great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. All of my food anxiety was gone. It was the craziest thing! I was so much happier, and my body image improved dramatically.

I would not say that I am entirely healed. The mind plays funny tricks on you, and old fears/insecurities come back to the surface. I look forward to another session, and continuing to break old habits that have plagued me for years. With Kara’s help, I believe that I can definitely make this happen.


Berkeley, CA

I now have control when I am around these foods.

The process you did with me around my cravings for cake, frosting, and pasta were very effective. I have never been overweight, but I was tired of expending sooooo much effort to eat right and avoid overeating certain foods. I wanted to just feel peaceful about food.

We did three sessions. It was a simple and unobtrusive process. More psychological than I had expected. Perfectly painless, that’s for sure.

I now have control when I am around these foods. I still like them, but when they’re around, I am not obsessed with them. This is a wonderful change. I think I need one more treatment to deal with butter but I am completely thrilled with the results I have so far!

Just yesterday, I walked past a piece of cake on a buffet table that looked delicious, mocha, my favorite and kept on walking because I wasn’t the slightest bit hungry and knew I didn’t want that much sweet stuff at that time of day.


I find her work to be very helpful and life changing.

Kara helped me identify what emotional / thought patterns were causing me to turn to food to avoid the overwhelm that takes over my life sometimes. I find her work to be very helpful and life changing. She has a warm and friendly demeanor, which automatically makes you feel at ease. She is highly knowledgable and has extensive training in Nutrition, Chinese Medicine, and TAT. Highly recommended!

R. Heather

Santa Rosa, CA

I haven’t had any problems with cake since the treatment.

Jonell Owens

SF East Bay, CA

It is efficient, graceful, grounded, direct, and above all – it really works.

I have had a great interest in the last decade as to how to handle food-related issues and addictions. I am trained in many modalities and have done extensive research. My experience with TAT and Kara Sorensen has been a turning point for me. It brings together the best of all the other systems I studied and tried. It is efficient, graceful, grounded, direct, and above all – it really works. Not only does TAT deliver lasting solutions to the “problem” I came with, but it gently opens new pathways of possibilities that I hadn’t even considered. Quite frankly, after my first session, I was shocked. Shock soon wore off and transformed into a deeply peaceful satisfaction and excitement about what I had finally found. I cannot recommend Kara enough – she has a deep passion and proficiency with this work. I am very pleased.


Santa Cruz, CA

Kara definitely has the solution to your food issues.

When I first started to see Kara I was having some major issues with food cravings. Specifically sugar. I was a little skeptical at first because I have tried so many other ways to get control of my sugar intake and they all failed. Kara definitely has the solution to your food issues. We got to the source of the problem and began to do the healing and resolve the underlying reasons for my food cravings. Kara is wonderful and her service is amazing. Kara changed my life!


San Jose, CA

The best part is I don’t miss it or feel deprived.

Kara is beyond Fabulous! I started seeing her to help with some pain issues I was having & ended up with so much more than pain relief. We all have so many ailments that we don’t even recognize or have just come to tolerate. But guess what we aren’t supposed to be in pain, tired or overeat. I did a food craving session with Kara for my addiction to sweets, every night before I went to bed I had to have some kind of sweet. Which is the worst for weight loss! I did this session 6 months ago and I not only stopped the bedtime sweet addiction but overall have a handle on how much I do eat. Made it thru the holidays without eating every candy, cookie or cake in sight with flying colors. The best part is I don’t miss it or feel deprived.

So if you go in for some back pain don’t be surprised if you come out PAIN & CRAVING FREE 🙂

Thank you Kara!!

Rachel K.

San Jose, CA

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