January 15, 2013

You already know that most calorie restricted diets aren’t healthy and you’ll likely gain back all the weight you lost and then some. Perhaps you have first hand experience with this, I know I do. It is true that calorie restriction can cause weight gain over time, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t lose

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September 13, 2012

There’s not much you could say to shock me and your secret eating is no surprise to me. I’ve heard it all. The entire pizza eaten before your girlfriend comes downstairs, the trips to the drive through that turn into a second trip. The trip to the corner market where you eat a candy bar

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September 13, 2012

I’ve worked with a lot of self identified Chocoholics over the years. I’m not surprised when people tell me about their problems with chocolate, it’s a feel good food. I love helping people with their chocolate cravings, as I think everyone deserves to enjoy or avoid chocolate in peace and by choice. It’s a wonderful

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August 30, 2012

I’ll bet you didn’t know I used to compulsively eat fast food, did you? It wasn’t all the time, but when I was under a lot of stress, that’s what I would do. One period in particular, I would drive to Mc Donald’s and get a big mac, french fries and a chocolate shake. I

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August 22, 2012

What, what what? Eat fat to lose fat? This may go against everything you’ve believed for the last 20 years of your life. But, if you’ll bear with me, you’ll see that there might be something to enjoy about fat, other than the flavor and mouthfeel. It may just help you lose weight. But first,

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June 14, 2012

Our beliefs (aka mindsets or perceptions) are so important to look at because they run our lives. Beliefs that are helpful are great, but limiting beliefs unchecked can lead us in the wrong direction for years or decades. Looking at your beliefs and really questioning them is something that’s naturally done in Coaching and Acupressure

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