November 14, 2013

Are you having problems with fruits or sugars causing unwanted weight gain? How about other symptoms? You generally eat really well, you may not even have cravings for sugar, but if you have a little fruit, a starchy carbohydrate like potato or rice, or some red wine or chocolate, everything goes south. Make no mistake, this

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October 17, 2013

Do you wonder about what’s in your food and worry about the health impact on you and your family? Did you know that food labels leave out some very important information about the chemicals your food may be processed or grown with? There’s a great resource on the web, called Food Babe. Vani Hari is

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September 15, 2013

We all have busy lives. We often barely have time to breathe, let alone eat. Yet, one of the great pleasures of being on this planet circling the sun is eating good food. So, my challenge for you for one week is to slow down, eat at a table (not your desk), breathe before you

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August 15, 2013

You’re probably familiar with the USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid. It was recently updated, but in my opinion, it’s still far from ideal nutrition. It’s way too heavy on the grains and other carbohydrates, and scares people into staying away from fat.  When you eat high amounts of carbohydrates and stay away from fat, your body

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August 6, 2013

In this post, I get vulnerable. It may not seem vulnerable to you, but as a health practitioner, sharing about my own health struggles feels scary. There’s a couple of reasons. First, I don’t want my patients worrying about me, what I do is about them not me. Secondly, if I know so much, I

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June 13, 2013

For the last 6 years, I’ve been focusing my practice on helping men and women be free of their food cravings using Acupressure (TAT). So, as you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot and can now predict progress for people pretty well.   These predictions aren’t time specific, but more stage specific and it depends

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