August 14, 2014

If you’ve tried cutting down on simple carbs, sugar, or even caffeine, etc. you may have experienced withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be anything from a craving, thinking too much about the food, fatigue, insomnia, or flu like symptoms. They can be mild for some and they can be quite severe for others. This is

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July 31, 2014

Most people who are trying to lose weight or otherwise be healthy aren’t thinking about fun. In fact, most people think that being healthy is no fun at all. You have to eat right, go to bed early, avoid some of your favorite foods, etc. You can’t do the things you enjoy, it’s boring, it’s

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July 17, 2014

Food cravings are our bodies natural response to stress. Period, it’s that simple. When you’re stressed, which most of us are, your brain will do whatever it takes to relieve that stress in the moment. Later on, when your body is having to deal with the food you inhaled, there’s no connection to the previous

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July 3, 2014

You may have a few pounds to lose or you’d like to lose a lot. Doesn’t matter, you need to get good sleep in order to burn fat. Study after study shows this to be true, but here’s at least one study to check out. The great thing about getting quality sleep, is that it

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June 19, 2014

You’ve probably heard or imagined all about the benefits of losing weight, right? Your life will change dramatically for the better; you’ll be in bliss, everything will be fine. After all, there’s less risk of chronic disease, increased longevity, etc.  But what about the downside of it, have you thought about that? Here are a

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June 5, 2014

I’m going to share a tip with you today that may sound a little controversial, or that most health experts don’t agree with.  Many experts teach that eating 5-6 small meals a day is the way to go for optimal health and weight.  With all due respect to the experience and training of those experts,

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