While others are making resolutions, I’m focusing on something different. Most resolutions don’t get fulfilled, so I’ll be focusing on how I want to feel more than what I want to achieve.
Don’t get me wrong, I have personal and business goals, but by focusing on the feeling I’ll have in achieving those goals and what it will look like in my life, I’m actually making it easier to achieve those goals.
How, you may ask? When you use visualization to harness the power of your feelings, it’s like an imprint for your brain that clears a path to your desired outcome. Repeated over time, it clears away our internal resistance to reaching our goals. We all have resistance, it’s part of being human, but we can move beyond it.
So here’s an example of a goal and how I’d suggest approaching it using my system of the 4 W’s:
What? Why? When? and Work it!
Goal Example #1: Feeling at Peace around Food and Feeling Great about my Body
Get super specific about what you want, exactly what you want in as much details as you can. Go beyond what you think is possible. Stretch! Write it out in the present tense, and include anything you want, even if it feels vain or frivolous.
I feel at peace with food. I’m eating healthy foods that I enjoy. It’s easy to maintain my weight and I enjoy treats in total peace. I feel totally at ease around food, free of stress, free of obsession. I’m able to fit into my clothes and I love my shape. I spend my time doing things I love and food is just a part of my life—not the focus. I’m active, I look great and my friends and family comment on how healthy I look.
Why this is important to you? What will this create for you? What is underneath?
This is important because I want to have free time to think about things besides food and my weight. I want to enjoy my life, my body and my family. I also want to live a long and healthy life and feel freedom on all levels; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
What’s underneath that? I want to be able to enjoy my children and grandchildren, and I don’t want to leave this planet early or suffer in my old age. I also don’t want to be a victim—I want to be in charge of my health and be my best self!
Be specific about a time frame so that there is an end in sight, something to focus towards.
Within the next 5 months
What about How You May Ask?:
Don’t focus on the HOW when writing your goals. Unseen forces will come your way to help you achieve your goals, just focus on what you want at this stage. We’ll focus on the How later after you have clarified your goals in the next step.
Work it! (Visualize, Feel & Take Action!)
Some people suggest writing down your goals, tucking them away and revisiting them again in 6 months. I’ve done this and it’s crazy how many of them get completed without even thinking about them. But this year, I’m taking a more active approach and I suggest you do as well. Below are some ways to propel yourself forward with more ease towards your goals.
Use your visualization skills. This is the quickest way to let your brain know what you want and help you get there. Fast. Provide as much specific detail as possible and see yourself living your “What” in the present tense.
I see myself feeling an inner feeling of peace and freedom with food. I see myself at a buffet table or in front of the refrigerator feeling totally in charge of my choices. No tension, just an absence of drama or concern. I have a feeling of peace, freedom and joy relative to food and my body. I see myself putting on my favorite pair of jeans and feeling good about my health and body. I see myself exercising and feeling good in my skin and able to keep up just like I want.
Let the feelings out that you will feel when you’ve reached your goal. Bring them to life by using the visualization exercise. What will you feel grateful for? What feelings are there? Let them be with you now—in the present.
Inner peace relative to food and my body. Joy. I like the way I look, I love the way I feel, I have energy, and I’m grateful that I’m feeling my full potential with my health.
Repeat the visualization daily along with feeling daily, for 30 seconds or more. If you know about the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) you can hold your points and focus on this and it will amplify your efforts!
Then, from this place of being connected to your goal, and the image and feeling of it, you can ask:
What is one action I need to take to forward this goal?
Let the answer come to you. You’ll know you have a good answer when it feels peaceful, quiet and calm, even if there’s excitement about the answer. When it’s coming from the ego, the saboteur or the trickster (parts of our survival brain) it will sound like a “should,” “must” or “have to,” and it won’t feel good.
Take action from that place, the place of connection to your goal, and your actions will be on target instead of all over the map. Listen for the more subtle answer, the one that’s not obvious or loud, the one that may not even make sense, like:
Resting more
Being kind to yourself
Getting more sleep
Doing less
If you get an answer that sounds harsh, hard and difficult, or like something you’ve already tried, ask again, you may need to listen a little deeper.
The 4 W’s (What? Why? When? and Work it!) can help you reach any goal, try it out, play with it and let me know what you learn and what you create.
Remember, peace with food is possible for you. Your goals are important and you can achieve them!
All The Best,